Thursday, December 22, 2011


Today I spoke to someone I haven't seen for nearly 4 months and for that someone to be a person I used to see every other day, 4 months can seem like an awfully long time. That got me to thinking - this time around it was 4 months but this could very possibly stretch into longer periods of time, an infinite period of time even. What if we never meet again? 10, 20, 40 years from now, will you remember me? And I, you?
"You don't have to be a label. You can just be Celastra."
"You never know. 20 years from now, you might only remember me as the girl that..."

Don't get me wrong - "label" is a terrible word for a person and I'm sure we don't make it a habit of putting people under "labels" but it's one of the ways our minds associate a face with a name - if we remember the name at all in the end that is.
Whether it's a good ("the smart one"), bad ("the one that got caught shoplifting"), or neutral ("the one with the short, brown hair") association, everyone will at some point of their life be associated with one, for lack of a better word, "label" or another and to different people, depending on the impression you've left, you'll be remembered in different ways.
Labels. What an odd word (for a person). I suppose it's not really label per say that I'm trying to get at - just the ways we're remembered. I wonder, how am I remembered? How are you?

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