Thursday, January 20, 2011

Looking For You

"We're just pieces on a chess board, imposed into structure,
In a battle of the minds as we're holding each other,
Sacrificing pieces for advantage in position,
It's an accurate decision, played with damaging precision,
Just A CELESTIAL INSIGHT, a topological funfair,
It's a party of energy, and psychological warfare..."
- Looking For You (Age-D)

It's been exactly 50 days since I last wrote and boy, has it been a super eventful 50 days. True to my prediction at the beginning of the summer holidays that it was going to be LEGENDARY, it indeed has been!

In the past 50 days, I've lived to see 2011 (lived through 20 days since then, today being the 20th of January), been to and seen more places in Perth than I've seen in a year (which includes Hillarys Boat Harbour, Kings Park, Point Walter, numerous suburbs I've never even heard off before summer started), found that a meant-to-be relationship can be as easy as breathing after all, celebrated my first Christmas with the loveliest bunch of people I've ever met, celebrated my first new year with my best friend, someone I will spend the rest of my life with, had an infinite amount of firsts which includes first time knowing what countless novels meant when they say finding your other half and feel the world come to a standstill, first time getting my blog post title (A Celestial Insight) mentioned in a song, first time having a song written about me, first drive (not that I was driving) to the northern suburbs of Perth (living in a suburb on the southern side of the river meant I only ever traveled between the south side to uni and back for most of the year), first trip to an Australian beach (and numerous beaches after that), first time (ever) getting to lie on the grass and watch the stars like how I've always wanted all my life, first live outdoor and indoor soccer game, first Cold Rock ice-cream, first Icey Ice, first haircut in Australia...among countless others. 

Almost all of my firsts in the past 50 days (most of my past 50 days really, not necessarily just the firsts) has been with someone I now treasure and value more than anything, more than the universe itself. Someone I can't now imagine even for a second my life without. Someone that whispered to me that I am not just another chapter in his book, I am the rest of the chapters. Someone that I know I can trust with my life. Someone I would dodge a bullet for. Someone that when I say, "I love you" I know I mean it in the most humanly way possible, with every fibre in my body. Someone that first and foremost is my bestest friend and since then has become so much more. You are my life now, my everything.

Only 3 months ago I wrote the post on "The discarded girl and happy endings" and how I scoffed at the thought of the "fairy tale" we always had in our minds will always remain a fairy tale, on how of course everyone hopes life sorts itself out/karma will grant you your share/the circle will end up in a nice loop not thinking it actually would. Then the 6th of December (2010) happened and I know now that there is such things as happy endings, you can live through your fairy tale, life can sort itself out/karma can grant you your share/the circle can end up in a nice loop. If you're truly meant to be, if he (or she) really is your soulmate, if you're blessed enough to go through one lifetime getting to find that one person (because heaven knows how difficult that can be), then it really should be as easy as breathing. I know that now. Blessed enough to know that.

Angel, there are not enough words in the English language to describe how much how much you mean to me. What you are, what we have, what I feel for you will always be more than words can ever describe. The promise of forever will always hold true.

"Walking through reality, looking it through,
and who knew, that I was really looking for you,
but instead I found you in the middle of a daydream,
so I decided to stay there, without a chance of escaping."
- Looking For You (Age-D)