Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Small deeds

I don't why this keeps coming back to me now but this particular scene is on repeat in my head at the moment.
On my way back today, I passed by a family of 3 taking pictures of their (I'm assuming) son in his graduation robes (it's graduation month at my uni). The mom and dad were taking turns with the camera and I had already walked passed them when I turned back and asked the mom if she would like me to take a picture of the 3 of them together. They were so happy that I did. And of all coincidence, they had the EXACT same digital camera that I do. What are the odds of that?
What a peculiar story to share but something about that moment strikes me as significant. 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

What was the happiest moment in your life?

When I was a little over a month away from turning 20, my (then) best friend picked a star from the clear night sky and placed it in my heart. 

Despite the events that unfolded after and despite the way things ended, I didn't know then that what will happen would happen. So, it would be that moment in time when I thought the promises of forever will always hold true - that was a pure, untainted, happy memory.