Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Why the lOng siLence?

SImply put: 1st year, 2nd semester final exams in 11 days.
8 November (Mon) - MATE1412: Materials Engineering
10 November (Wed) - MATH1010: Calculus and Linear Algebra
13 November (Sat) - CHEM1102: Organic Chemistry
'Nuff said! :D
Final paper will also officially mark the last day as a first year student! Exciting, exciting.
Will update blog as soon as exam finishes.

Btw, oliVEs explained (last impRession shouldn't be a bitter one).. [relevance of "olives and motions" in some ways relates to Marshall and Lily's (from HIMYM) olive theory-only I've added my perspective to that obviously]
Just the whole notion of going through the motions when you see so many 'failed motions' is a daunting thought. Maybe it'll work out in the end. Maybe it won't. That's life, hey. Take it in a stride I suppose. Maybe it won't be so bad after all :) *hopefully that's not just wishful thinking talking :S*

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Thinking about olives used to make me freakishly SAD (I reckon only sister will get this joke). Now, it just makes me sad. Haih. Think I'll go get myself a jar from Coles on the way back from uni later...at least they're still yummy. MLIR