Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Why the lOng siLence?

SImply put: 1st year, 2nd semester final exams in 11 days.
8 November (Mon) - MATE1412: Materials Engineering
10 November (Wed) - MATH1010: Calculus and Linear Algebra
13 November (Sat) - CHEM1102: Organic Chemistry
'Nuff said! :D
Final paper will also officially mark the last day as a first year student! Exciting, exciting.
Will update blog as soon as exam finishes.

Btw, oliVEs explained (last impRession shouldn't be a bitter one).. [relevance of "olives and motions" in some ways relates to Marshall and Lily's (from HIMYM) olive theory-only I've added my perspective to that obviously]
Just the whole notion of going through the motions when you see so many 'failed motions' is a daunting thought. Maybe it'll work out in the end. Maybe it won't. That's life, hey. Take it in a stride I suppose. Maybe it won't be so bad after all :) *hopefully that's not just wishful thinking talking :S*


  1. Hello Anonymous (I wonder who you are:)

    Thank you!

    Best regards,
