Sunday, January 22, 2012

Final goodbyes and new beginnings

Since this is my first post of the year, I shall officially welcome 2012 with open arms
and also wish the world a happy new year *confetti and streamers!*
Today marks exactly 1 week since me and my sister moved into our new house. I've looked forward to moving for a long time now but still when the time to leave finally came, I was filled with thundering waves of nostalgia. Since the first moment I landed in Australia (exactly 2 years this coming February 16), I've only known one house, one home. Everything that has happened since has happened while I was living here. All the memories (good, great, bad, and terrible) that I've accumulated in Australia I've accumulated while sheltered under this roof.

Final goodbyes
A lot of my memories of my time here in Australia had strong associations with this house I've called home and in some odd ways, leaving the house felt like I was leaving behind a part of my life. For all the rat poo I pooed about this place (not having my own room was one), I really was and am going to miss it.
Me and my sister in front of the place we've called home for the past 2 years - taken right before we drove away to our new house, 15/1/12 (Sun)

Moving to our new house in a new suburb (a good 15 km away from our previous house) also meant that I'll no longer be able to continue my routine of going to Curves everyday as I have since July last year. This is yet another part of my life that I was going to miss. I had some great times here at the gym, met some wonderful people, and have genuinely enjoyed the workouts.
Me and one of my favourite trainers, Lynette - taken right after my final workout at Curves, 13/1/12 (Fri)
Over the course of six and a half months since me and my sister joined Curves, both of us managed to surpass the 100th workout milestone (135 for me and 105 for my sister) and hence making it on the milestones board on the wall.
Highest attendee for December 2011. Got highest attendee for 4 out of the 6 months that I was at Curves - not bad if I'd say so myself.
And finally, got my own balloon on the birthday board at Curves before my time there was up. Can you spot my name? 

New beginnings
Moving to a new place, just like a turnover of a new year, feels a lot like getting a new slate. This moment was as good as any to start anew - new place, new year, new beginnings. Though I have no way of knowing how 2012 is going to play out, how it's going to end, I can only hope that for most parts, it will be a good year.
To us all.

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