Saturday, November 28, 2009


Almost everyone's obsessed with aging nowadays. That's probably why you see lots of different situations where people lie about their age and even more anti-aging products and advertisements then you can possibly count.

Even Bella Swan (Twilight), a fictional character worries and frets constantly about aging (but that's only probably because she's dating a 17 year old vampire that never ages).

I've never really given much thought about aging (why should I, really? I'm still in my teens) until very recently when a remarkable (or not) line of thoughts came to me...
Ages ago, when I was just a tiny, little thing (7 to be exact), everyone seems older than I did. Britney and Christina was just launching themselves into international stardom with Opps, I Did It Again and Genie In A Bottle, respectively (they were 17 and 18), Bill Clinton was still the President of the United States...

Fast forward to 2005: I was 14 and Jojo was hitting the music scene with a bang with her song Leave (Get Out). Jojo was 15 (only a year older than I was but still, then everyone was older).
2006: I was 15 and Miley Cyrus just started out Hannah Montana.

May 2009: I am 18 and Hannah Montana: The Movie just came out. By now Miley has become a superstar and all the kids love her. She's 17. Suddenly I'm the older one.

November 2009: I am still 18 and last night I went out with 3 of my high school friends (all 19). We watched New Moon. Taylor Lautner is really becoming a huge hit among the teenage girls who are all about Team Jacob (the solid 6 packs he developed for the film probably's the main reason he's got everyone swooning). He's 17. Suddenly everyone's becoming the younger ones!

One of the 3 friends I went out with last night will be turning 20 in a month plus time (on 29th Jan 2010). It hit us that she'll no longer be in the teen years but in the ty years! (ty as in twenty) and soon all of us will follow suit. Oh dear oh my! No wonder people are obsessing about age though I'm probably still too young to be fretting over this but before I know it I'll turn 20, 25, 30, 50, 100 (if I live that long)!!! Numbers, numbers, numbers!

At the end of this post, I'm still 18. Just a few minutes older than when I first started typing. Really, I (we) really shouldn't be stressing out (just yet). Give it a few more years *winks!


  1. hehe.. i never taugh that u're actually 19. younger 1 yr than me. b

  2. Will be turning 19 on 31 January 2010...another 20 days:) Will be living my last teen year soon!
