Saturday, July 31, 2010

What is your idea of an ideal date?

Date with a stranger, with your boyfriend/partner/fiance, with your husband.
Obviously when you enter into different parts of a relationship, the 'definition' of a date changes. I often hear married women complain their husbands aren't as romantic as they used to be when they first started dating. May it be perhaps since they're now married, men tend to think 'the woman is already theirs' (for lack of a better phrase) so they don't have to make much of an effort? I can't be sure what the exact answer is having never ask a married man that before (I'll make a note to do that when the next opportunity arise).
*NB men: Despite what some may say, we DO like to be surprised with a single stem of rose every once in a while (well, not rose per say or any sort of flower for that matter but you get my drift).
Having said that, I shall come to a conclusion that the vast majority of relationships works in this manner: The 'deeper' in a relationship you are, the less 'ideal' the date becomes, i.e. the more 'familiar' one become with one another, the less one would feel for the need to impress. Fair enough I suppose. On a first date, who wouldn't get blown away when your date says he knows the best pizza place  (you're thinking , "Must be that place on the corner street!") and flies both of you out to Rome? (Got that one from an episode of Friends) By the 10th date, it could just be trip down to the pizza place at... the corner street.
Ramble, ramble, ramble. Yes, I know I haven't answered the question but I do have a point here. Since these definition changes when you're in different parts of your relationship, I'll describe my ideal date in  all 3 parts (I'm a sensible woman. I know not to expect too much. Really?! Lol). Then again, it all depends on where we are. If we're in the middle of the city, my ideal date can't possibly end with a stroll by the sea under the moonlight, or can it?

With stranger: Cliche as it may sound, presents me a single stem of whatever type of flower (I don't have a favorite one...yet) when we first meet. A nice dinner with a chance to get to know each other would be good. After dinner, walk in quiet contentment (we really don't have to talk all the time; I enjoy the silence every now and then) under the moonlight AND depending how the date went, a soft, gentle kiss with the sound of the waves lapping behind us . OR screw all that! A fun day out to the theme park! Let's get to know each other over a ride on the roller coaster! Wheeeee! 
Hmmm...No, no. My REAL IDEAL date would have to be something out of the norm or something I haven't really thought of. I'd like it if my date surprises me with something totally unexpected or something out of the ordinary. I love surprises! I really wouldn't mind my first description of a date (dinner and such) but then again, most dates is exactly that, eh?
For now, just a date wherever is ideal enough as it is (I really should get out more but then again I have my books and uni assignments buried right up to my armpits).

With boyfriend/partner/fiance: We really don't have to do something fancy-schmancy ALL the time...only sometimes. So, ideal date now would have to be a meal we both cooked then after, put on a movie and snuggle on the sofa
(Why is the TV blank??!)
OR walk down the beach and watch the sunset
OR lie on the grass somewhere and look at the stars together.

With husband: Now being married and we're both busy, busy, busy with work and all (probably have little tots running around as well), a nice evening with just us two would be nice. Maybe even a romantic getaway for the weekend!

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