Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Against the current

Do you know that feeling (WHO) you get when you know you have to do something and you know WHY you have to do it and exactly HOW you should do it and (WHEN) the time is now and the WHERE is here but you can't will yourself to do it? You know WHAT you have to do but your heart feels like a million pounds and you wish you could just rip it out. You just can't do it. You've hit the brick wall. You simply can't move forward. The path stares at you so intently that if looks could kill, you'd be dead with the intensity from the glare of the way forward but all you can do is stare back. Your legs won't take you any further and you feel your brain shuting down. There is no forward. Only the sense of helplessness.
Cure for this feeling of nothingness?
It's when reality slaps you in the face, you force yourself to fight the current. Keep yourself from drowning even though a part of you wish the current will take you away. Far, far away.

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