Monday, January 25, 2010

A bittersweet moment

I don't think I've ever known what 'a bittersweet moment' meant till today. On one hand, "Australia here I come!" (the SWEET part). On the other hand I just barely made it with borderline points, just enough as required by my sponsors (hence the BITTER part). Just a little over a quarter people from my course have 'fallen'. Knowing (from my AS experience) how that must feel (but perhaps 100x worst) my thoughts goes to them.
Whatever it is, as of today my LIFE has truly changed. There's nowhere to go but forward from here on!

Not just yet

My mistake. Turns out I woke much, much, MUCH earlier than I thought I would (6.30 a.m.! Who would've thought?!) so my LIFE has NOT changed YET.
Reprinting: Come 9 a.m. today, my LIFE will have changed forever.
Now, off to catch a few more z's before the awaited hour.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


When I wake up tomorrow, my LIFE will have changed forever.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The mysterious realm

Had a long talk with dad last night. Dad was passing on some age long wisdom (that's a lot of wisdom!) seeing I'll be off to uni soon. Got lots of useful advice and lots of things to ponder on. One particular snippet that got me thinking:
Dad: So, are you waiting in anticipation to gain new knowledge?
After a moment hesitation...
Me: A little bit. (What I didn't say: I am excited at the thought of finally getting to step my feet in my future university but it scares me to the very core just thinking about it!)
At times like these (and not for the first time too!) I'm convinced me and dad has some ESP thing going on because right after I had that thought...
Dad: Are you scared?
Me: YES!
Dad: What are you scared of?
Me: A lot of things. I'm scared of not knowing what to expect, of facing the unknown. I'm scared of the thought of getting lost in the crowd. I'm scared of the thought that my professors won't mind me when I become a lost sheep. I'm scared of the thought of being lost and having no idea how to 'unlost' myself. I'm scared of the thought of not knowing what to do, not being able to think on my toes, and not being able to immediately answer a question when so many others can do exactly that. I'm scared of the thought of not having even an inkling of an idea how to do my assignments and not having anyone to ask. I'm scared of being an absolute idiot and getting left behind. I'm scared of not acing my quizzes, tests, and exams. I'm scared of the new magic number, 4.0 (the previous magic number was 15). I'm scared of being scared! But right now, I'm absolutely TERRIFIED of the 25th of January! In just 2 short days my results will be released and that will be the point of make or break.
After that, me and dad continued our talk and I got lots of insightful insights into the mysterious realm of life in uni from not just anyone but from someone who's accounting first hand experience, from the very same person that passed on two very useful sayings (and I'll never forget...something that I remember anywhere and everywhere I go), "With familiarity comes proficiency" and "It's not whether you can or cannot do but you have to do even though you cannot". It's wise quotes like those and people like my dad, that keeps me going.
I love you, dad!
[Dad with Heirisson Island's (Western Australia) friendly kangaroos]

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Beauty and the Geek season 3 finale

Having just came back from a 3 days holiday meant I've missed half of season 3 Beauty and the Geek (at least got to watch episode 2, 3, and 4!). Thought I would miss the season finale as well but as luck would have it LATE last night (2 am) I so happen switched on the telly and guess what was on? You guessed it! The season 3 finale! Got kinda hyped cause I knew it would be interesting and it didn't disappoint. Loved it!
Having missed 4 out of the 7 episodes (that's a lot considering it's such a short season OR maybe it just seem short because they showed it EVERYDAY during the weekdays so it only lasted for one week and a half where else other shows usually only show ONCE a week so they'll run for about one and a half month!) I didn't know how much the contestants actually changed throughout the season (that's the whole point of the see how much the beauties and the geeks can transform so they wouldn't be like the typical stereotypes) but being the season finale they had the ever so helpful (for people like me) flashbacks of the journey that the last 2 teams went through. It was between team Nate and Cecille and team Scooter and Megan.
Nate and Cecille

Scooter and Megan

Every episode starts with a 'challenge round' that had contestants competing against each other to get the advantage of immunity from elimination but during the finale instead of having the challenge (how can anyone have immunity at this point anyway) the 2 teams got to spend 2 days with their fellow teammate doing each others hobby. I especially loved what Megan and Scooter did. It was very outdoorsy, which I didn't quite expect from a playboy model (Megan)...(apologies for stereotyping!)Megan took Scooter to play tennis and Scooter took Megan out for a hike and had a picnic planned out at the end of their hike (how sweet!).

Nate and Cecille activities were cool. Who would've thought a bikini model (Cecille)...(yet again, apologies for stereotyping or perhaps it's just my plain silliness of thinking bikini models do not much other then, well...model bikinis!)could dance hip hop like its hot (silly, silly me!) and Nate could sing with such crazy passion?! (Nate's the lead singer for his band, the Star Wars Band-they sing everything Star Wars).

In the end, all the previously eliminated contestants came back to cast their votes to determine which team will walk out $250,000 richer.
The final two teams
They were to judge based on which team transformed the most and each team were given the chance to talk to everyone basically to say, "Vote for me!". Everyone (the fellow contestants) was going on about how Nate had the biggest heart (I don't doubt that one bit) and how they wanted him to win but one major thing that was preventing exactly that was everyone's dislike of his teammate, who manipulated and initiated the cliques earlier on (which I also didn't like and I'm not even on the show!) and was very determine (it seems!) NOT to change (that would be just so silly to her apparently but at least she was honest about it). So, in the end, Nate with his big heart and all, seeing that Cecille indeed did NOT change one bit since she first started out and all she seems to be after is the money and not so much on the experience that they gained, went to talk to everyone and told them NOT to vote for his team because it wouldn't seem fair even though he had a lot of people rooting for him. Is that noble or what?! Who goes around asking people to vote AGAINST them?! Nate said the most important thing was the experience and memories he collected along the way and $250,000 isn't as important so he was ok with that. And there you have it; season 3 Beauty and the Geek winners: Scooter (who's absolutely ADORABLE!) and Megan! <*applause!>
Megan and Scooter reacting after Sheree (eliminated in episode 2) gave them their 7th vote (to win, the team needed at least 7 out of 12 votes to give them the majority) making them the winners of season 3 of Beauty and the Geek!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

College Journal Entry 3

1/12/08 (Mon)
How well do I take criticism?
[Elbert Hubbard]
How interesting for the centre layout to say, "To escape criticism: Do Nothing, Say Nothing, Be Nothing." Oh dear, oh my! One cannot and must NEVER do that! We should constantly be on the go. We always have to do something, say something, and be everything. As humans, we can NEVER escape criticism, no matter how hurtful and upsetting they are. The things we do and say, and who we are will always attract criticism. We can NEVER satisfy everyone. People will criticize us, whether to our face or behind our backs.

How well do I take criticism?
I do wonder if anyone (no one I know at least) can honestly say that they take criticism just fine, nothing to it! I am sure for MOST of us, if not ALL have a hard time taking in criticism but hey, people are entitled to their opinions, right? We would get angry or upset no matter how much the person on the other end tells us it's 'constructive criticism' (think of Simon Cowell and the American Idol contestants) and it's to mold us to be a better person. Well, I suppose (MAYBE) I take in criticism pretty well (on account that no suicidal thoughts come to mind). I WILL listen to what they have to say and I'll accept it with an open mind (I try). Sometimes (or most of the time) it still tends to make me upset and even a little bit angry (on bad days I might cook up a storm) but like I said, everyone IS entitled to their own opinions, even if you don't see eye to eye with them.
Honest criticism is hard to take, particularly from a relative, a friend, an acquaintance, or a stranger. -Franklin P. Jones
I can't say I take criticism well-even if it's justified I'll still be affected by it for at least a day-then only can I let it go.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Sometimes I wish I was like the other kids. Every time I see their status updates in Facebook or take a look at their album pictures, everything seems to be like a lot of fun. Sometimes that makes me sad.
Sometimes I wish I could be the one that's going out at 1 in the morning to play futsal with my friends. Sometimes I wish I could play futsal. Sometimes I wish I had friends to play with. Sometimes I wish I could drive the car out at 3 in the morning to meet up with a bunch of people I don't even know. Sometimes I wish I had places to go and people to meet.
Sometimes I wish I could be the one that's doing something totally stupid like trashing up a place or just making some senseless racket with my friends. Sometimes I wish I had friends in the 'bad' crowd. Sometimes I wish I had friends at all.
Sometimes I wish I could be the one that's going for the sleepover and just hanging out with a bunch of girly girls doing all sorts of girly things. Sometimes I wish I had a sleepover to go to. Sometimes I wish I was that girly girl that got to go to all sorts of places like hanging at the mall and doing a normal girly favorite, shopping.
Sometimes I wish I could be the one that had such a carefree life.
Sometimes I wish I could be the one with a million friends.
Most times I wish I wasn't here at all.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Beauty and the Geek (Season 3 Episode 2 and 3)

The casts of season 3 Beauty and the Geek
Beauty and the Geek is a reality television series. It has been advertised as "The Ultimate Social Experiment" and is produced by Ashton Kutcher, Jason Goldberg and Nick Santora.
Just this week on Monday a new series started on Star World, one that I've never heard about till now, Beauty and the Geek. It shows every weekday at 5 pm. I was really peeved because According To Jim (which I absolutely LOVE!!!) was suppose to be on at 5 and now they've moved it to 6.30 pm. Anyway, the Beauty and the Geek that they're showing is season 3 (first aired on 3 January 2007) though they have 5 seasons now. I only managed to watch half of the first episode on Monday because I wanted to accompany mum to the night market to get some vegetables. Watching the first half of it, I thought it was quite amusing really, especially the geeks. Brilliant minds but at most times totally out of place in a social environment.
The sweet-hearted geeks
On Tuesday (yesterday), I watched the whole of the 2nd episode and I thought, "Hey, I could really like this!" The show is funny, amusing, fun...just something to lay back and watch as the 'beauties' and the 'geeks' go through the challenges. On this episode, the geeks' challenge was to do a stand-up comedy and my favourite one of the day was Nate Dern's (and not surprisingly he won the challenge!). His act went something like this: "I would totally reinvent allergy. Instead of being allergic to all the small things like peanuts and strawberries, I'll make being allergic only to big things like tigers and sharks. You're walking and suddenly you get a rash...Oh! There's a tiger nearby! You're swimming and you get a runny nose...Oh! There's a shark nearby! Wait! Got a rash too...must be a tiger shark!" [Might've changed it just a little bit (maybe added a preposition when there wasn't suppose to be one) because I can't specifically remember it word by word but you get the picture] It was HILARIOUS! I think he was the only one that got the audience to laugh really hard though Mario had some positive laughs too.

Today, again at 5 I switched on the telly to watch the show. I didn't particularly like this episode. The challenges wasn't that fun to watch at all though the lesson of the day to guys probably was 'Listen when your girl talks!'. Though I don't have any particular experience in this field, I hear men tend to tune out when a woman speaks. The 'beauties' challenge on the other hand just kinda pissed me off a bit. At the end of the day what I got from this episode was the world's not bloody fair at all. See, the 'beauties' challenge was to read up on aeronautics and they had to give a museum tour to a real crowd(this doesn't bother me at all. It's what happens later that bothers me). Some did really, really well but most just didn't put effort at all, choosing to lounge by the pool under the sun while they should be studying (ironically I love their guy teammates, it just the don't-care-less-girls that makes me wanna scream!). In the end a blonde won and when she had to choose 2 teams to send to the elimination room, she chose the teams with the brunettes even though they worked really hard and the other blondes couldn't give a sh*t. Like, what the F man! What does it matter if your hair is blonde, brunette, raven, or rainbow coloured for all I care but because the other blondes had this 'clique' thing going on, the blonde that won felt like she didn't want to betray her 'blonde friends' (she's not even that chummy with them anyway) by sending them to the elimination room. Yeah, whatever. That just repulses me. I don't know what goes behind the scene. I don't know if there was something going on that I didn't know about because the producers edited (like maybe one of the brunette stole the blonde's cinnamon role and pissed her off) but what I saw on telly makes me feel like hating the show right then and there! A fair world should be one when you get rewarded for your effort but it hardly ever works like that, does it?
Well, whatever man. Why am I getting so worked up I don't even know. I suppose it's just sad to think that they'd sorta gang up like that. It reminds me that everywhere it's the same. In high school, in college, in reality tv shows...people have the same traits and mentality. You don't escape from it wherever you are.
What I'm going to say next is not about the show at all. It's just something I thought and pondered about, long before this show so don't be calling out your lawyers to sue me or anything.
In my all girls high school, the students had cliques there (surprise, surprise). Sometimes you see one sort of people just hanging with her sort of people. What the hell does that even mean? What 'sort' of people is there? I only see people. I don't have a 'clique'. I just mix around with everyone. I don't care if they're white, yellow, purple, black, grey or orange. I never see that. People are just people. Why do some find it in their fancy to categorize others based on colour, race, sexuality? I just DON'T get that! And what does it matter if he's straight or gay? It just ANNOYS the hell out of me when people make it such a big, terrible sounding issue you'd think its a world crisis or something. So, one gay guy runs for student council president and suddenly he's the gay candidate. And the other girl, the straight one...I don't hear people saying, oh that's the straight candidate. She's just a candidate running for student council president but he gets to be 'the gay candidate'. Get real man. They're both JUST candidates. So, he's gay. Well, she's straight. He has blue eyes. She has brown eyes. I have black eyes. He has a square jaw. I have a cute-rounded face (sorry, just couldn't help that one). See what they are? Facts. They're just facts. So, STOP discriminating a 'sort' of people because that's just thinking backwards. The rest of us are moving forward so get over yourself. Sorry I ranted on a bit here but just wanted to get that off my chest.
Anyway, back to the show. Tomorrow I hear the 'geeks' will be getting a makeover. It should be something to watch. I'm not totally blacklisting the show or anything. Was just pondering on the unfairness that goes on. So I'll be tuning in tomorrow (it's not that I have anything to do anyway). Off I go then. Cheerio!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

First ever (Windows Live blog)

While I'm at it, might as well put up the first ever blog post from my Windows Live blog. This will make the third and final blog that I wrote eons ago. Hear the voice of a younger me!
My First
Today marks the day of my first blog ever. Inspired by 'The Perfect Man' starring Hilary Duff. Watched it for the 2nd time today. I really like that movie:) Also discovered my current new (old) favourite song from the movie, Collide by Howdie Day.
Well today's a Monday. Finals are long over. Getting the 'aftershock' of our results. Some are fab! Seriously:) The rest...well...
Moving on!
Teachers mostly MIA. Had chemistry first period. Did an experiment. Prepared a soluble salt; copper (II) sulphate. By recess the crystals formed. Pretty cool! Right on! Not much after that. Sat in class. Did the chemi report. Listen to girlfriends gossips- same ol' same ol'. <*laughs!>. Mum cooked pasta. The tube kind. Not bad. But the 'tubes' would go better with creamy cheese. Yum! Mum cooked it with her famous pasta sauce. YUMMY! Dad's not home. Conference. Will be back tomorrow. Can't wait!
Till then.

Just me,
Signing off,

And another (Windows Live blog)

Decided to put this post (from my Windows Live blog) as well! Hear the voice of a younger me!

17/11/06 (Fri)
The Last Day
Hey there, (why did my younger self always started the post with a greeting??)
Well today marks the LAST day of school for this year! Can you imagine? Last day of Grade 10. Next year will be a new year. Shall learn new things, shall get new experiences, shall meet new people, etc. etc.
Went to school today. First thing on the agenda; played scrabble (not much of an agenda really). Me and 3 friends. Then played this alphabet game (last few days of school was always filled with playing. ROFL. Now I can't even remember what that 'alphabet game' was!). Quite funny really. Then played my very own game that I came out with last year: Secret Password. It was HILARIOUS! Tension ran high and both 'partners' were practically shrieking! Seriously. Everyone wanted to shout out the answer. We were all laughing till our stomachs ache and tears came out (ah, the good ol' times). Then out to recess. Had an 'ice-cream date' with my best friend, Soon. As fate would have it there were only 2 ice-creams left. Yep! Lucky us:) Just before school end, we had a sorta 'cleaning session'. Dang! The specific term is not coming to my mind but you get the picture. Oh well. Moving on. Me, my best f. and Jas went walking aimlessly around the school. It was fun (better than slaving ourselves to dusting off our classrooms, I imagine). I showed them a roof-top view that little know about. They loved it. From there you can see an amazing view of the surrounding! Superb.
Came back at 11.50 am. Bought lunch. Read newspaper. Lunch. Wrote this.
To do later:
1. Shower
2. We'll see;)

Till then,

Blast from the past (Windows Live blog)

I found a blog post I did when I was still in high school on my Windows Live blog page. I've forgotten all about it and now...<*Poof!> I found it again! I remember I started that blog right after I watched The Perfect Man (starring Hilary Duff, Heather Locklear and Chris Noth). In the movie Hilary blogged and I thought it was pretty cool. Anyway, I only managed 3 blog posts before abondoning my blog career (temporarily! As you can see I have my 'A Celestial Insight' now:) Here's my last post that I put up about 4 years ago (hear the voice of a younger me).

20/11/06 (Mon)
A Life In A Day Of A Day Camp
School hols started last Friday. During the weekends, entered a 2-days chess competition. Had a lot of fun. Met new people. Won 5 rounds out of 9. Got Best Lady!In a way, this comp was somewhat special to me. I finally had the chance to play with the 3 'giants' (they're very good in what they do!). All 3 games I lost but it didn't matter really. It wasn't about winning or losing but just having the chance to gain new experience is good enough. Now that's priceless! The fourth lost was on the first round, I lost to a 11-year old boy. Oh well, you win some, you lose some.
Total concentration! Playing against one of the 'giants'.
Game face on! Won this round!
Won this one as well! :)
Today, would you belive it I had to drag my butt back to school because there was a student leader day camp going on. Today and tomorrow. Sigh! My opinion: A waste of time! Listen to this: We were instructed to come at 8 this morning, which would've been fine to me except for the fact that we sat around, killing time till 8.45! Where is the efficiency in the system? If they knew they couldn't start on time, might as well have asked us to come at 9, don't you think? Well at least I could've waken up an hour later. Lolx. Then at 8.45 am, finally got the show on the road. Listened to priciple's speech. YAWN! Then the 'sessions' started. All the things that are said to us are pretty much logical. I have no idea WHY do they insist on repeating it again and again and again. Come on! If people are not going to change (either refusing to change or incapable of doing so), you can tell whatever hell you want till you're blue in the face but they still won't change. What-ev. Then we had group discussions. Again the logic kicks in. Don't they have any other different activities we can do? Something that's not quite repetetive? It's always the same ol' thing every time! After what seems like hours, we had lunch. That's a whole new story! Chicken rice. That's what we had. Granted, it was nice but the sauce packets decided to dedicate their lives to giving me hell! The packet had a leak. I wasn't careful enough and what do you know! Now my brand new shoe has sauce stain! Argh! It's in the process of getting wash. I hope it goes off! After lunch, we learnt folk dancing. We're planning to do the dance for my school's centenary celebration early next year in January. That was pretty fun:) At least we're doing something which I've never done before so that was a plus! Danced the 'Tango Mixer'. Put on your dancing shoes, baby;) Danced from 2 to 4 and then the moment I've been waiting for since the day started...GO HOME! wheeee...
At home, had a snack, shower, read CLEO mag, nap, dinner, ANTM, read a book, on the net, and prob after this go read summore or prob go to sleep!
And then off i go to school again tomorrow!
My life in a day of a day camp...

Till then,

Monday, January 11, 2010

College Journal Entry 2

7/10/08 (Tue)
A page from my life I wish I could rewrite
A page from my life I wish I could rewrite...Absolutely nothing as I believe everything that has happened, happened for a reason at that moment of time and all of the things that has happened in our live have lead us to where we are now. It is from all our failures, mistakes, and regrets that molded us into what we are today.
Sure, I have done things I wish I had not, like the time in Year 9 when I had a big row with my best friend over a misunderstanding or the times I was cranky in the morning and wasn't very pleasant to my mum. But overall, there isn't a chapter I would change. I would leave it as it has been written up to this point because frankly speaking, could I have written it any better if I were given the chance by the big man himself to do a rewrite? It was through all of our successes and failures (The way a man wins shows much of his character, and the way he loses shows all of it.~Knute Rockne), decisions that we made, may it be good ones or bad ones, the laughter, the tears, tantrums that were thrown, tension that was felt, joyousness that was experienced, they have all lead us to right now.
Had this topic been a little different, stating a page from my life I wish I could relive (with no alterations, thank you very much), it would have to be when I was 5 years old. I'd love to relive the time me and my family lived in the United States of America as my dad pursued his Masters Degree in Colorado. I had many happy memories and many great experiences at the place I called home for 2 years (which kid would ever forget your first trip to Disney Land in Los Angeles!) and till now it has always stayed close to my heart. It is my lifelong wish to go there again and someday I will.
Some memories in United States of America (1996-1998)
Winter of December 1996 at Billings, Montana.
During winter break, family took the opportunity to do some travelling. Our 3 weeks journey started in Colorado and then to Utah, Nevada, California, Oregon, Washington, Vancouver (British Colombia, Canada), Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and back to Colorado.
Went hiking with dad at Lookout Mountain which is near our apartment. The trail led us to Buffalo Bill Museum & Grave.

Dad treated me to a vanilla ice-cream cone after the long hike. Loved the surprise treat!

My 6th birthday party! Had lots of fun and got lots of presents!!! Thank you mum and dad for organising it! Blowing out the candles. Make a wish! <*Poof!>

Celebrating Halloween at Michelle Elementary School. Dressed as a cowgirl! At first the school was planning to go out treat or tricking (parents came as well!) but it started to rain so we just celebrated in school instead. Still had lots of fun!

The night of Halloween. Dressed as a princess and was getting ready to go treat or tricking around the neighbourhood!!!
Playing what I love best at my elementary school.
The Garden of the Gods.
Family trip to Colorado Springs.
Hope you get the chance to.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


"Sorry doesn't change anything."
"It does for the person who's apologizing."
-Quoted from Jodi Picoult's Nineteen Minutes

If you said something really bad to your brother and immediately wish that you hadn't, you say you're sorry. It doesn't changes the fact that you've said it.
If a friend took credit for your work and after that she is filled with guilt, she comes to you and says she's sorry. It doesn't changes the fact that she did it.
If a man accidentally killed a kid during a robbery and after that he is filled with remorse, he tells the kid's family he's sorry. It doesn't changes the fact that he broke into a home and stole their worldly possessions and in the process committed murder, accidental or not.
So, sure! Sorry doesn't damn change anything. No matter how many times you say you're sorry, someone will always remember you said you hated her. Someone will always remember that you bullied him for that one whole year during high school when you were going through 'a phase'. Someone will always remember that you slapped her and shouted angry words. Someone will always remember that you spread nasty rumors about him and made his life a living hell.
Knowing all that, you still say you're sorry because though sorry doesn't change anything, it does for the person who's apologizing.
People apologize because it brings comfort knowing that they've made an effort to retract their actions, no matter how bad. There's no rewind button that they can press, no do-over they can request for. So, sorry becomes people's means of erasing the action.
It's at times like these, when someone tells me they're sorry, I can't help but think, "Don't do it in the first place. Then you wouldn't have to apologize for it. Doesn't changes the fact I'll remember it till the end of times (how dramatic)."
It's also at times like these when I say I'm sorry, I can't help but think exactly like what I've said above but still I say I'm sorry because I truly am.
When you say you're sorry, mean it! It doesn't changes the fact you did it but on your part, it's the small effort you take to press rewind.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mean it!

Say what you mean.
Mean what you say.
No beating around the bush. Say what you mean upfront and centre so that long-winded conversations can be avoided and all intentions will be made clear. Sometimes it takes ages for people to launch off their life story when all the wanted to say in the end was, "So, yeah. That being said, can I burrow your shovel?" *Similar situations applied. I could've done without all the drama.
You know, it always puzzles me when I hear someone saying, "I'm so, so sorry. You know I didn't mean it, right?" Why do people say that? If someone said something terrible to her friend like "I hate you!" during a heated argument and minutes later say, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it", did she really not mean it? In the argument, it got heated enough for the thought to have crossed her mind and shout out the words. She must've meant it at some level, even a little bit. Maybe she really didn't mean it in a long run (maybe) but for that few minutes when she first said it, I think she must've meant it! If you didn't mean it then you wouldn't think it and the urge to stick your foot in your mouth wouldn't have occurred. *Similar situations applies. It takes great patience to keep your head during any situation.
If a guy tells his girlfriend he loves her, not because he really meant it but because he knows that's what she wants to hear then why say it in the first place if you know you don't mean it, no matter how much you know its what she wants to hear? Mean what you say or that'll just make you a liar! *Similar situations applies. Remember when we were 2 feet tall, grownups tell us all the time, "Don't lie." Surely we never forget that simple word of advice along with don't steal and don't kill.
If you pretend to be buddy buddy with someone because of his connections, then you must've not meant all those loving-friendship-bullsh*t charade you put on. Mean what you do or that'll just makes you a hypocrite! *Similar situations applies. No one ever likes a hypocrite. Sometimes I'm afraid I'm one myself! When a friend says she misses me and I immediately reply I miss her too when really I've haven't thought one iota about her, does that makes me a hypocrite or a liar? Surely it does! Exhibit A of not meaning what I say.
Maybe sometimes people lie because that's what the situation require, little white lies. Does it make it ok to do it? Lie to protect someone else. Someone you love? Be a hypocrite when the situation calls for it. Do what you think it's right when you think it's right. Does it make it ok? A delicate, subjective subject but for most parts, SAY WHAT YOU MEAN AND MEAN WHAT YOU SAY.
The human mind works in a mysterious way.

Monday, January 4, 2010

College Journal Entry 1

When I was in college, we had to take English for the first 2 semesters in preparation for our IELTS examination and during the 1st week in college we were given a journal (specially made by the college) for us to fill. Inside the journal there were 66 topics ranging from 'I wish I could...' to topics like 'A page in my life I wish I could rewrite'. In addition to the 66 topics, there were 6 'My own topic' pages that we could fill with whatever we want (most of them I filled with poems that I wrote). Over the months, I've truly enjoyed writing in the journal. It was my break from doing what I did everyday and when I was inspired enough to write, I'd open up the colourful pages and pour out my thoughts. Sometimes our lecturer would ask us to submit the journal (to make sure we took some time to write in it, I suppose but most of the students could never be bothered to really but I wrote it in not because I had to but because I wanted to) and she'd leave her comment under our entry, always using her green pen. Well, I've graduated (though not officially...yet) from college and the journal I shall treasure forever. I didn't manage to write in all 66 topics during my duration in college. I just made it a little past half that number and out of that half, I'm going to transfer some of my favourite ones into my blog. They'll be titled under College Journal Entry #.
College Journal Entry 1:
15/12/08 (Mon)
I wish I could...
It's an endless list of 'I wish I could...'-some realistic and achievable and some that are out of this world and impossible (you can't stop a girl from dreaming . Nevertheless, the top 18 things would have to be:
1. wish for infinite knowledge (this is my ultimate D-wish!)
2. pack my bags right this moment and fly around the world 3. pluck money from trees 4. see the world in the year 30005. read people's thoughts

(In case you didn't know: Edward Cullen is a fictional character from Stephanie Meyer's Twilight saga. He can read people's thoughts.)

6. go to outer space (the feel of zero gravity and a view to die for)7. speak more languages (French, Spanish, German, Russian, Mandarin...)
8. tell jokes and get people to laugh all the time9. have the ability to public speak and debate like the USA presidential candidates
1o. easily memorise/understand everything I read
11. own a record in the Guinness World of Records - that would be cool!
12. swim with speed (I'm a pretty good swimmer already but I want to swim faster)

13. own World's Biggest Bookstore (in Toronto, Ontario) or for every book an author publishes, I wish I could get a copy! (I love, love, love books!)

14. learn how to do up my hair into hundreds of different styles (now it's only limited to ponytails, braids, and buns)15. publish a book and sell a million copies
16. have the talent to sing, dance, draw and paint beautiful sceneries and portraits
17. be as flexible as a gymnast
18. be a social butterfly (even more so than I am now)Hope at least some of these will come true.