Whatever it is, as of today my LIFE has truly changed. There's nowhere to go but forward from here on!
Monday, January 25, 2010
A bittersweet moment
Whatever it is, as of today my LIFE has truly changed. There's nowhere to go but forward from here on!
Not just yet
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
The mysterious realm

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Beauty and the Geek season 3 finale

Scooter and Megan
Every episode starts with a 'challenge round' that had contestants competing against each other to get the advantage of immunity from elimination but during the finale instead of having the challenge (how can anyone have immunity at this point anyway) the 2 teams got to spend 2 days with their fellow teammate doing each others hobby. I especially loved what Megan and Scooter did. It was very outdoorsy, which I didn't quite expect from a playboy model (Megan)...(apologies for stereotyping!)
Megan took Scooter to play tennis and Scooter took Megan out for a hike and had a picnic planned out at the end of their hike (how sweet!).

Sunday, January 17, 2010
College Journal Entry 3

Saturday, January 16, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Beauty and the Geek (Season 3 Episode 2 and 3)

What I'm going to say next is not about the show at all. It's just something I thought and pondered about, long before this show so don't be calling out your lawyers to sue me or anything.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
First ever (Windows Live blog)
Well today's a Monday. Finals are long over. Getting the 'aftershock' of our results. Some are fab! Seriously:) The rest...well...
Moving on!
Teachers mostly MIA. Had chemistry first period. Did an experiment. Prepared a soluble salt; copper (II) sulphate. By recess the crystals formed. Pretty cool! Right on! Not much after that. Sat in class. Did the chemi report. Listen to girlfriends gossips- same ol' same ol'. <*laughs!>. Mum cooked pasta. The tube kind. Not bad. But the 'tubes' would go better with creamy cheese. Yum! Mum cooked it with her famous pasta sauce. YUMMY! Dad's not home. Conference. Will be back tomorrow. Can't wait!
Till then.
Just me,
Signing off,
And another (Windows Live blog)
Well today marks the LAST day of school for this year! Can you imagine? Last day of Grade 10. Next year will be a new year. Shall learn new things, shall get new experiences, shall meet new people, etc. etc.
Went to school today. First thing on the agenda; played scrabble (not much of an agenda really). Me and 3 friends. Then played this alphabet game (last few days of school was always filled with playing. ROFL. Now I can't even remember what that 'alphabet game' was!). Quite funny really. Then played my very own game that I came out with last year: Secret Password. It was HILARIOUS! Tension ran high and both 'partners' were practically shrieking! Seriously. Everyone wanted to shout out the answer. We were all laughing till our stomachs ache and tears came out (ah, the good ol' times). Then out to recess. Had an 'ice-cream date' with my best friend, Soon. As fate would have it there were only 2 ice-creams left. Yep! Lucky us:) Just before school end, we had a sorta 'cleaning session'. Dang! The specific term is not coming to my mind but you get the picture. Oh well. Moving on. Me, my best f. and Jas went walking aimlessly around the school. It was fun (better than slaving ourselves to dusting off our classrooms, I imagine). I showed them a roof-top view that little know about. They loved it. From there you can see an amazing view of the surrounding! Superb.
Came back at 11.50 am. Bought lunch. Read newspaper. Lunch. Wrote this.
To do later:
1. Shower
2. We'll see;)
Till then,
Blast from the past (Windows Live blog)
20/11/06 (Mon)

At home, had a snack, shower, read CLEO mag, nap, dinner, ANTM, read a book, on the net, and prob after this go read summore or prob go to sleep!
And then off i go to school again tomorrow!
My life in a day of a day camp...
Monday, January 11, 2010
College Journal Entry 2

Family trip to Colorado Springs.
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Mean it!
Mean what you say.
Monday, January 4, 2010
College Journal Entry 1

(In case you didn't know: Edward Cullen is a fictional character from Stephanie Meyer's Twilight saga. He can read people's thoughts.)

13. own World's Biggest Bookstore (in Toronto, Ontario) or for every book an author publishes, I wish I could get a copy! (I love, love, love books!)