Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mean it!

Say what you mean.
Mean what you say.
No beating around the bush. Say what you mean upfront and centre so that long-winded conversations can be avoided and all intentions will be made clear. Sometimes it takes ages for people to launch off their life story when all the wanted to say in the end was, "So, yeah. That being said, can I burrow your shovel?" *Similar situations applied. I could've done without all the drama.
You know, it always puzzles me when I hear someone saying, "I'm so, so sorry. You know I didn't mean it, right?" Why do people say that? If someone said something terrible to her friend like "I hate you!" during a heated argument and minutes later say, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it", did she really not mean it? In the argument, it got heated enough for the thought to have crossed her mind and shout out the words. She must've meant it at some level, even a little bit. Maybe she really didn't mean it in a long run (maybe) but for that few minutes when she first said it, I think she must've meant it! If you didn't mean it then you wouldn't think it and the urge to stick your foot in your mouth wouldn't have occurred. *Similar situations applies. It takes great patience to keep your head during any situation.
If a guy tells his girlfriend he loves her, not because he really meant it but because he knows that's what she wants to hear then why say it in the first place if you know you don't mean it, no matter how much you know its what she wants to hear? Mean what you say or that'll just make you a liar! *Similar situations applies. Remember when we were 2 feet tall, grownups tell us all the time, "Don't lie." Surely we never forget that simple word of advice along with don't steal and don't kill.
If you pretend to be buddy buddy with someone because of his connections, then you must've not meant all those loving-friendship-bullsh*t charade you put on. Mean what you do or that'll just makes you a hypocrite! *Similar situations applies. No one ever likes a hypocrite. Sometimes I'm afraid I'm one myself! When a friend says she misses me and I immediately reply I miss her too when really I've haven't thought one iota about her, does that makes me a hypocrite or a liar? Surely it does! Exhibit A of not meaning what I say.
Maybe sometimes people lie because that's what the situation require, little white lies. Does it make it ok to do it? Lie to protect someone else. Someone you love? Be a hypocrite when the situation calls for it. Do what you think it's right when you think it's right. Does it make it ok? A delicate, subjective subject but for most parts, SAY WHAT YOU MEAN AND MEAN WHAT YOU SAY.
The human mind works in a mysterious way.


  1. i totally relate to what you mean about the little white lies . about telling a friend you miss him/her as well eventhough you haven't thought about them . sometimes , you just say stuff to please someone you love i reckon (:

  2. True true. I first noticed the 'I miss you situation' recently when people tell them they miss me and I automatically reply I miss them too without thinking really. Right after I feel kinda bad because I'm not too sure if I really meant it though. I suppose all of us tell 'little white lies' all the time to please someone we love. The grey areas of lying...a long debated topic. Lol
