Had a long talk with dad last night. Dad was passing on some age long wisdom (that's a lot of wisdom!) seeing I'll be off to uni soon. Got lots of useful advice and lots of things to ponder on. One particular snippet that got me thinking:
Dad: So, are you waiting in anticipation to gain new knowledge?
After a moment hesitation...
Me: A little bit. (What I didn't say: I am excited at the thought of finally getting to step my feet in my future university but it scares me to the very core just thinking about it!)
At times like these (and not for the first time too!) I'm convinced me and dad has some ESP thing going on because right after I had that thought...
Dad: Are you scared?
Me: YES!
Dad: What are you scared of?
Me: A lot of things. I'm scared of not knowing what to expect, of facing the unknown. I'm scared of the thought of getting lost in the crowd. I'm scared of the thought that my professors won't mind me when I become a lost sheep. I'm scared of the thought of being lost and having no idea how to 'unlost' myself. I'm scared of the thought of not knowing what to do, not being able to think on my toes, and not being able to immediately answer a question when so many others can do exactly that. I'm scared of the thought of not having even an inkling of an idea how to do my assignments and not having anyone to ask. I'm scared of being an absolute idiot and getting left behind. I'm scared of not acing my quizzes, tests, and exams. I'm scared of the new magic number, 4.0 (the previous magic number was 15). I'm scared of being scared! But right now, I'm absolutely TERRIFIED of the 25th of January! In just 2 short days my results will be released and that will be the point of make or break.
After that, me and dad continued our talk and I got lots of insightful insights into the mysterious realm of life in uni from not just anyone but from someone who's accounting first hand experience, from the very same person that passed on two very useful sayings (and I'll never forget...something that I remember anywhere and everywhere I go), "With familiarity comes proficiency" and "It's not whether you can or cannot do but you have to do even though you cannot". It's wise quotes like those and people like my dad, that keeps me going.

[Dad with Heirisson Island's (Western Australia) friendly kangaroos]
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